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Selectmen's Minutes December 09, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen

Present: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman Arey and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens .

The Chairman opened the meeting at 6:10pm.
SUBJECT: Department Heads   
PRESENT: Patrick Clarke, David Kenneally, Mike Paveglio and Dave Paveglio     

Hwy- There were some breakdowns during the snowstorm.

David has checked with the State, and they no longer engineer bridges so David will set up meetings with three engineering firms to discuss plans for Webster Mills Bridge. Selectman DeBold indicated he would be available to attend these meetings if they could not arrange time at an upcoming Selectman’s meeting. The funding from the State is scheduled for 2006, with the town’s portion estimated at One hundred twenty thousand dollars ($120,000). The project is listed in the CIP Plan and David will review the dollar amounts and make any necessary updates.  Deputy Fire Chief Paveglio thanked the Road Agent for sanding at the fire scene on Friday night.  The removal of the pine trees at the
Safety Building was discussed again.  David will try to get those taken care of this week.

PD – The Secret Santa project is going very well.  

FD – There was a structure fire in town last Friday night.  It started around 4pm.  The town had only one truck there, the response from Mutual Aid was tremendous.  The stop was a great save.

BI – Dave presented his report on the inspections done on all the town buildings.  Some items need immediate attention in the Grange building and Community Building.  

Both Dave and Mike Paveglio have been involved in numerous inspections at the new building up at Gary’s RV.  

SUBJECT: Public Hearing – Acceptance of Grant Money from the Office of Emergency Management

Chairman Colbert opened the Public Hearing at 7:00pm.  There were three (3) people in the audience, including Emergency Management Director, John Martell.  Chairman Colbert went over a handout prepared for the hearing outlining the grant money received to date. This includes $8,000 to update the Town’s Emergency Operations Plan and $3,281.00 for a base unit radio for the Public Safety Building.  We have also been awarded $5,000 to develop an All Hazard Mitigation Plan, $5381.67 from Homeland Security I, and $5,563.94 from Homeland Security II.  Homeland Security money is awarded on a reimbursable basis only and is available until the year 2005.

Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold to accept the grant money awarded to the Town and approve the associated expenditures to date. All were in favor.

Chairman Colbert extended a thank you to all who have been a part of the grant writing process and the committees.

Chairman Colbert closed the Public Hearing at 7:07pm.  

SUBJECT: Public Hearing – Lover’s Lane
Present: Mr. Mark Drew, Road Agent David Kenneally and three members of the public.

Chairman Colbert opened the Public Hearing at 7:16pm.  Mr. Drew is seeking an upgrade from a Class VI to a Class V on 400 feet or road on Lovers Lane.  The Road Agent has inspected the section of road and stated it looks good, the gravel was done right, and it is acceptable.  The road can be plowed for emergency access for fire, it is built as wide is possible from stonewall to stonewall.  It cannot be brought up to new town specifications (which require the road to be 20ft wide with a 4ft ditch line) unless the stonewalls are removed.  Mr. Kenneally stated two cars could pass easily.  

There were no arguments from the floor.  Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold to accept Mr. Drew’s petition to upgrade 400 ft. of Lovers Lane.  All were in favor.

Motion to close the Public Hearing at 7:25pm, by Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold.   All were in favor.

SUBJECT: Bill Stevens
HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Stevens asked the Board if they had reached a decision on the length of Davis Road.  Mr. Stevens would like to build the road to access his property.  At first he would just like to log it, eventually he intends to build a house for his daughter.  He can only build the road as wide as it is, currently it is a Class VI road, subject to gates and bars.  

Motion Selectman DeBold and seconded by Selectman Arey that the length of the road has been satisfactorily proven to go to Mr. Stevens’ property.  All were in favor.

Lisa will forward copies of minutes, once approved to Mr. Stevens, Mr. & Mrs. Blackman, Mr. Ian Blackman and Mr. Darby.

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SUBJECT: The former Maria’s Restaurant property-Rte 28
Present: Mr. & Mrs. Ambrose

Lori Ambrose informed the Board of her and her husband’s intention of buying back the restaurant on Rte. 28.  They have come before the Board to request consideration from the Board to waive any interest due on the back taxes and any interest accrued until they pass papers on December 19, 2003.  The Board will take it under advisement and render a decision next week.  

SUBJECT: Canterbury Road –Wilson Property
Present: Mr. Bill Wilson

Mr. Wilson is planning an extension to his current riding arena by sixty feet (60’).  The Building Inspector told Mr. Wilson he would like clarification from the Selectman as to whether or not he needed to go before the Planning Board for Commercial Use.

Mr. Wilson is in the agricultural zone and this is a permitted use activity.  The addition will pose no encroachment problems and is to be used for more riding area only to allow the horses more chance of a “constant gate” with more room to exercise the horses. Mr. Wilson brought to the Boards attention State Statute RSA 21:34A.  Under subsection II, boarding and keeping of horses is a permitted agricultural use. Chichester’s Zoning encourages agricultural use.  

Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Chairman Colbert to direct the building inspector to issue a building permit to Mr. Wilson for the extension of his riding area.  All were in favor.  


Lisa has spoken to Primex regarding coverage for the janitorial help.  The vendor is already covered under the Town’s workers compensation.  As to her request for an increase, the Board agreed to offer her the same compensation as she is currently receiving because she will not be required to clean the Community Building next year.  She may still request additional compensation when she is required to clean an additional time upstairs.  

Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold to begin the meeting of December 23, 2003 at 5:00pm and work on emergency business only, with no appointments and no department heads.  All were in favor.  

The Board made a final review of Map 2 Lot 24, the Fournier property, Horse Corner Road. Lisa will send a letter to Mrs. Fournier.    

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The Board reviewed correspondence from Mr. & Mrs. Stamolowros on Connemara drive.  
Motion Chairman Colbert and seconded by Selectman Arey to abate the inventory penalty.  All were in favor.  

The Board reviewed correspondence from Mr. Saturley requesting a waiver from the impact fee on Map 4, Lot 169.  Motion Chairman Colbert and seconded by Selectman DeBold to deny the Saturley request.  All were in favor.  The home to be built is for Mr. Saturley’s son.  Mr. Saturley’s son will have to apply for the waiver and meet the zoning requirements.  
Mail and e-mail was reviewed.  Bills and payroll were signed.

Budget preparations and proposals were discussed briefly.  A work session was scheduled for Friday, December 12, 3003, at 1:00pm at the library to review all proposals and work on the 2004 proposed budget.

The minutes of December 2, 2003 were approved as corrected.  

Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant

Chairman David Colbert
Approved as corrected
_______________________                                                 12/16/03 LS
Richard DeBold

Harold Arey                                                     

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